Breakfast Part 1
Apparently, i couldnt sleep the night before the trip to San Diego, so i warmed myself a hot pocket (ham n cheese) and fried two egg rolls. that put me right to bed.

Breakfast Part 2
Once we reached San Diego, we stopped at this mexican burger place. i have no idea what it was called cause i was too busy filming. i have no idea what i ate, but i have a picture so you go guess =P the beans were like mush. yuck.

We got to the skydiving place a little early. 2 hours early to be exact. So i took some pictures since i wasn't eating anything.

Mark met his skydiving instructor, steve barber. He's a cool guy. Damnit, i wish i was 18 so i could've sky dove with Mark.

Had a break inbetween and got a pina colada sobe.

Mark went back to class.

After 5 hours of classes, he suited up and got ready for his jump

MAN WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO YOUNG =/.. ill come back towards the end of this year.
I slept on the way back, and when i woke up i found myself at burbank at newtown. what a treat! too bad i forgot to bring my camera. i just woke up so i was like "wtffff"
Got a call from Senior Cordova. Happy Birthday Joe! rofl. He had BEAR PIT EARLIER, DAMNIT. me and mark we're in san diego =/

PINKBERRY!? no i wish. it was "melon". a pinkberry rip off in northridge.

We went to Rubios while we waited for the movie (it was starting at 10:30) and the lady chick randomly gave out free soup. hahaha how random.

After that, we went to Gelson's Market to get some snacks to wait in line with. I found this oddly named orange juice brand.

I'm guessing its pronounced like "OWRENJ JYNA", kinda like vagina, but oranges. hahahahahhaa
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